The course has been translated into other languages by a set of wonderful volunteers:
- Brazilian Portuguese by @rastringer, @hugojacob, @joaovicmendes, and @henrif75.
- Chinese (Simplified) by @suetfei, @wnghl, @anlunx, @kongy, @noahdragon, @superwhd, @SketchK, and @nodmp.
- Chinese (Traditional) by @hueich, @victorhsieh, @mingyc, @kuanhungchen, and @johnathan79717.
- Korean by @keispace, @jiyongp, @jooyunghan, and @namhyung.
- Spanish by @deavid.
Use the language picker in the top-right corner to switch between languages.
Incomplete Translations
There is a large number of in-progress translations. We link to the most recently updated translations:
- Bengali by @raselmandol.
- French by @KookaS, @vcaen and @AdrienBaudemont.
- German by @Throvn and @ronaldfw.
- Japanese by @CoinEZ-JPN and @momotaro1105.
- Italian by @henrythebuilder and @detro.
If you want to help with this effort, please see our instructions for how to get going. Translations are coordinated on the issue tracker.